Main Conference Programme

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TS1: CBR and Deep Learning - Chaired by Kerstin Bach
   David Leake, Zachary Wilkerson, Vibhas Vats, Karan Acharya and David Crandall
Examining the Impact of Network Architecture on Extracted Feature Quality for CBR
   Isabelle Bichindaritz and Guanghui Liu
Synergies between Case-based Reasoning and Deep Learning for Survival Analysis in Oncology
   Ashish Upadhyay and Stewart Massie
CBR Assisted Context-Aware Surface Realisation for Data-to-Text Generation
TS2: Representation and Similarity - Chaired by David Leake
   Alexander Schultheis, Maximilian Hoffmann, Lukas Malburg and Ralph Bergmann
Explanation of Similarities in Process-Oriented Case-Based Reasoning by Visualization
   Mark van der Pas, Remco Dijkman, Alp Akçay, Ivo Adan and John Walker
On-demand and model-driven case building based on distributed data sources
   Adwait P. Parsodkar, Deepak P and Sutanu Chakraborti
The Case for Circularities in Case-Based Reasoning
TS3: CBR and Explanable AI - Chaired by David Aha
   Lawrence Gates, David Leake and Kaitlynne Wilkerson
Cases are King: A User Study of Case Presentation to Explain CBR Decisions
   Anjana Wijekoon, Nirmalie Wiratunga, Kyle Martin, David Corsar, Ikechukwu Nkisi-Orji, Chamath Palihawadana, Derek Bridge, Preeja Pradeep, Belen Diaz-Agudo and Marta Caro-Martínez
CBR driven Interactive Explainable AI
   Humberto Parejas-Llanovarced, Jesus M. Darias, Marta Caro-Martínez and Juan A. Recio-Garcia
Selecting Explanation Methods for Intelligent IoT Systems: a Case-Based Reasoning Approach
TS4: Case Base Maintenance - Chaired by Jean Lieber
   Shania Mitra, Ditty Mathew, Deepak P and Sutanu Chakraborti
Group Fairness in Case-Based Reasoning
   William Blanzeisky and Padraig Cunningham
Addressing Underestimation Bias in CBR through Case-Base Maintenance
   David Leake and Brian Schack
The Problem Drift Problem and First Steps Towards Addressing It
TS5: Adaptation Techniques and Application - Chaired by Antonio A. Sánchez-Ruiz
   Mirko Lenz and Ralph Bergmann
Case-Based Adaptation of Argument Graphs with WordNet and Large Language Models
   Ikechukwu Nkisi-Orji, Chamath Palihawadana, Nirmalie Wiratunga, Anjana Wijekoon and David Corsar
Failure-Driven Transformational Case Reuse of Explanation Strategies in CloodCBR
   Lisa Grumbach and Ralph Bergmann
A Case-Based Approach for Workflow Flexibility by Deviation
TS6: CBR Applications - Chaired by Emmanuel Nauer
   Alexander Schultheis, Christian Zeyen and Ralph Bergmann
An Overview and Comparison of Case-Based Reasoning Frameworks
   Eric Astier, Hugo Iopeti, Jean Lieber, Hugo Mathieu Steinbach and Ludovic Yvoz
Case-Based Cleaning of Text Images
   Jakob Michael Schoenborn and Klaus-Dieter Althoff
A Multi-agent Case-based Reasoning Intrusion Detection System Prototype
Poster Sessions - Chaired by Kyle Martin
  David Menager and Dongkyu Choi
Hybrid Event Memory as a Case Base for State Estimation in Cognitive Agents
  Yuejia Wu and Jian-Tao Zhou
A Contextual Information-augmented Probabilistic Case-based Reasoning Model for Knowledge Graph Reasoning
  Andreas Korger and Joachim Baumeister
Case-based Sample Generation using Multi-Armed Bandits
  Moisés F. Valdez-Ávila, Carlos Bermejo-Sabbagh, Belen Diaz-Agudo, Mauricio Gabriel Orozco-Del- Castillo and Juan A. Recio-Garcia
Case-based Explanation for Time Series Forecasting Models
  Emmanuel Nauer, Jean Lieber and Mathieu d'Aquin
Lazy Adaptation Knowledge Learning based on Frequent Closed Itemsets
  Yi Yang, Xinjun Mao and Menghan Wu
An Integrated Approach to Predicting the Influence of Reputation Mechanisms on Q&A Communities
  Álvaro Sanz-Ramos, Luis Ariza-López, Cristina Montón-Giménez and Antonio A. Sánchez-Ruiz
Retrieval of similar cases to improve the diagnosis of diabetic retinopathy
  Rian Dolphin, Barry Smyth and Ruihai Dong
A Case-Based Reasoning Approach to Company Sector Classification Using a Novel Time-Series Case Representation
General dates
Paper Submission: April 14th April 24th, 2023
Paper Notification: May 26th, 2023
Camera Ready Copy: June 2nd, 2023
Conference Timing: July 17th-20th, 2023
Workshop dates
Proposal Submission: February 28th, 2023
Proposal Notification: March 14th, 2023
Paper Submission: June 2nd, 2023
Paper Notification: June 16th, 2023
Camera Ready Copy: June 26th, 2023
Workshop Timing: July 17th, 2023
Doctoral Consortium Dates
Submission Deadline: May 22nd, 2023
Notification: June 12th, 2023
Camera Ready Copy: June 26th, 2023
DC Timing: July 17th, 2023